Notes from a 20th Century Staretz
including private locutions)
Encounter with Padre Pio
The Gift I Desire You to Give Me
Why it's so hard to turn to Jesus
after we have sinned
About Dismas
Commentary on Psalm One
home page
Beyond Creationism
—High Owen
Under Development
Right and Wrong Ways to Relate to God.
Notes From Within
—the diarist
On the Benefit of Being Disliked
A Father and his Son
Diary Fragments
lectio, meditatio, oratio, contemplatio
On Music and Faith
—Russian Orthodox
Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev
Note on Psychiatry and Religion
An Explanation of the
"Little Way" of St. Therese
An Unusual Penance
Philosophical Morsels of a Catholic Kind
Remember When?
Families were intact and living outside of wedlock was a scandal.
Birth outside of marriage was a tragedy.
Families with lots of children were regarded with delight
Fathers were honored as heads of their household
Authority was generally respected
Music strove to touch beauty
Art sought to capture the wonder of nature, persons and things
Religion and religious symbols permeated society
Faith and reason lived in harmony
Natural law was revered above positive law
All life was respected and abortion was sin
The Ten Commandments were observed
Marriage could only ever be between a man and a woman
Sodomy was a crime
Truth existed and could be known, even if imperfectly
A person would be considered sick if he or she thought the loss of any of the above represented progress